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HomeTrending NewsHow To Make Electricity in the Kitchen Correctly

How To Make Electricity in the Kitchen Correctly

If you decide to improve your kitchen, then first of all you need to look at electricity. The correct placement of sockets and well-planned lighting can make your kitchen much more comfortable. All electricians svet63 know for sure that the kitchen can be one of the most difficult parts of the house for proper electrical installation work, so we advise you to contact professional electricians already at the planning stage to draw up a plan for electrical installation work in the kitchen together.

If you’re planning on renovating your kitchen anytime soon, we’ve got some great tips to help you make the right decision.

Tips for Planning Your Kitchen Electrical Network

There may be a large number of fairly powerful electrical appliances in the kitchen: an electric kettle, an electric stove and oven, a refrigerator, a microwave oven, etc. These are fairly powerful devices that can significantly load the electrical network if you cannot distribute the load correctly. If you can, it is better to have a separate line with machines for each pair of devices, but you can effectively combine them, for example: all kitchen sockets on a separate machine, allocate a separate line with a machine for the refrigerator, then you can combine the oven and the stove on one machine.

It is also worth considering that we often like to move objects around the kitchen or take something into the kitchen for work or entertainment, so it is advisable to think in advance about additional sockets near the table and kitchen surface.

In all big cities, the quality of tap water is so bad that we wouldn’t recommend pouring it into a kettle. Most likely, there will come a time when you will want to install a special filter to purify the water. If the water pressure in your house is low enough, then most likely you will have to additionally install a special electric pump, so it is better to think about an outlet under the sink. 

Types of Kitchen Lighting

Designers will tell you about this much better, but we will still cover the topic superficially. 

Many different kitchen lighting options can be successfully combined to provide the most comfortable lighting for kitchen work areas.

Strategic lighting should provide sufficient light in the areas where you will be working with the products. This lighting is essential to avoid damaging your hands while cutting in the dark. 

Interior lighting is installed in cabinets. It is quite convenient in cases where you have a fairly large cabinet with a bunch of different little things that are difficult to find without light. 

Accent lighting will help to visually enlarge the space and highlight certain elements in the overall design of the premises.

Bay lighting is used to create a general atmosphere. It is powerful to install lighting under wall cabinets. By the way, if you live in Brooklyn NY, and want to learn more about possible options for re-equipping the kitchen and competent planning of the electrical network, then you can contact our Electricians for a consultation.

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