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HomeFood & HealthHow the Heart Stent process is done, and what are its Benefits?

How the Heart Stent process is done, and what are its Benefits?

Each and every part of the human body contributes to the overall functioning of the person, but the heart is the most crucial part of all. The heart is like a small tube that pumps oxygen-rich blood along with essential nutrients throughout the body. It keeps the coronary arteries open, but when these arteries are blocked because of the gathering of unhealthy substances like fats or cholesterol. This could lead to pain in the chest or easy loss of breath, which increases the risk of heart attacks. The best cardiologist in Ludhiana performs the procedure of heart stent, also called coronary angioplasty. It opens up the blockage of the arteries.

What various tests have been done to indicate the severity of CAD? 

CAD is a Coronary Artery Disease.  There are some tests that could help in analysing the amount of damage that is caused due to blockage:- 

  1. An electrocardiogram is a test that captures all the electrical signals from the heart. This test can assist in indicating the irregularities in the heart. 
  1. The stress test is done to check the condition of the heart as it checks the heart rate behaviour during any type of physical activity. It can help in getting a detailed understanding of the lowered circulation in the specific vicinity of the heart.
  1. Through coronary angiography, a contrast dye is injected into the coronary arteries, which provides an image of the best cardiologist in Ludhiana. It helps them in determining the area of blockage.

What are the steps for performing the heart stent procedure?

  • Giving anaesthesia is the first step, and local anaesthesia is given at the point of insertion of the catheter so it can be insensitive to the pain. Groin, arm and wrist are the common areas where the local anaesthesia is applied before insertion. The person will be conscious during the whole procedure, while general anaesthesia is given during complex treatments. With this anaesthesia, the person will remain unconscious during the whole procedure. 
  • After giving the anaesthesia, a flexible catheter is implanted in the arteries, and the balloon catheter is passed from the blood vessels to the blocked or narrowed area. The experts use fluoroscopy, which gives them real-time images of the arteries to check the progress of the catheter.
  • When the catheter reaches a specific area of constriction or blockage, the experts of the heart hospital in Ludhiana start inflating the balloon on the catheter. The inflation decreases the width of collected unhealthy substances, thus making the arteries wider for an easy flow of the required amount of blood.
  • The balloon catheter has a mounted stent, which is deployed at the time of inflation. After the stent is opened, it becomes a part of its structure by maintaining its integrity. The balloon will be deflated and removed while the stent provides additional structural support to the artery.
  • Once the stent is correctly deployed, the catheter is slowly removed. The wound should be closed using direct pressure, sutures or a closure device.

Why is a Heart Stent procedure prescribed at the time of artery blockage?

  1. Widening or unblocking of the arteries could lead to acquiring fresh and continuous bloodstream. It improves the functioning of the heart from symptoms like chest pain, which improves the person’s quality of life.
  1. Heart hospital in Ludhiana ensures that the heart stent will lower the risk of ruptures, which will lessen the chances of a heart attack by maintaining cardiovascular health.
  1. This operation is preferred because of its minimally invasive nature, as it causes less discomfort than other operations that involve opening the chest area for the surgery. The recovery period for this operation is much less than that of other procedures.


The Heart Stent method is a much safer option with several benefits like improved blood flow, fewer incisions and decreased likelihood of heart attacks. The symptoms that indicate the requirement of a heart stent are quick fatigue, chest pain and many more. The experts will take some diagnostic tests to check the severity of the damage for an efficient solution.


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