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Get Contoured Cheeks With Buccal Fat Removal In Dubai


Are you one who has very chubby cheeks? Do you hate your cherubism? Now embrace a well-contoured jawline by learning about How You Can Get Contoured Cheeks With Buccal Fat Removal In Dubai. The techniques and innovations in 2024 for chubby cheeks are skyrocketing. Among them, buccal fat removal is the leading one. Read about it in this guide and see what the Dynamic Aesthetic Clinic can offer you in the results.

Understanding Buccal Fat Removal:

Buccal Liposuction is a secondary name for Buccal Fat Removal in Dubai. According to medical experts, it is a cheek reduction surgery. The surgery aims to create a smaller, and more contour appearance to the cheeks. The main objective is to target the fat pads present in the cheeks.  By reducing the amount of these fat deposits, patients can achieve a more natural appearance.

Why Choose Buccal Liposuction? 

Many choose buccal liposuction to improve facial contouring. Some of the reasons why people seek this procedure:

Want To Make The Face Look Smaller:

People with rounder or less prominent cheekbones usually want it. Removing buccal fat creates a smaller, more sculpted appearance.

Improve Face Width:

This procedure can correct and increase the symmetry and width of the face by enhancing the cheekbones and chin.

Permanence In Results:

Unlike other face reduction procedures, buccal liposuction results in permanence because the fat cells that are removed do not regenerate.

Increase In Self-Esteem:

Many patients experience increased confidence and self-esteem and a more attractive appearance.

The Latest Buccal Fat Removal Technique: 

Buccal fat removal comes with a very simple strategy. It is the local anesthesia that makes the surgery less painful and free of sensation. You can decide the type of anesthesia whether you want a local or a complete sedation. Here is a step-by-step guide to what you can expect in the procedure: 

1. History Recording And Evaluation:

If you want to have the treatment then consult a qualified cosmetic surgeon. During these consultations, the doctor will assess the structure of your face, examine your aesthetic goals, and decide if you are a good candidate for this strategy. The specialist will explain the procedure over the counter and list the risks, benefits, and preparation for recovery.

2. Delivering the Anesthesia:

To prevent the pain sensations experts deliver local anesthesia. It helps you stay safe and comfortable throughout the procedure. In some cases, complete sedation is also preferred. This is normally for patients who are fearful of the procedure. The reason why local Anesthesia is preferable is that it has a quick recovery and reactions are rare. 

3. Incising and Fat Removal: 

The surgeon then incises the target site with a scalpel. An excavating instrument is then used to extract the buccal fat or cheek fat. 

4: Wound Closure: 

The surgeon later ties up the skin of the cheeks in proximity to close the wound and allow self-healing. The fine stitches used are resorbable and do not need removal. 

5: The Post Treatment phase: 

 The practitioner will provide the f information to ensure a successful recovery. Most patients can return to work within a few days, although strenuous activity should be avoided for at least two weeks. The following instructions explain it all: 

  •  Swelling and bruising at first a few days after surgery:

Visible swelling and mild bruising after the procedure, especially on the inside of the cheek and lower face. This is just a point of correction and will be resolved within a week.

  • Uneasiness: 

Pain or discomfort in the cheeks, but can be treated with prescription drugs approved by a specialist.

  • Dietary restrictions:

Patients are asked to eat less soft food and liquids for the first few days to avoid irritating the oral cavity. Food that should be chewed a little and not too hot or spicy is recommended.

  • Oral Hygiene:

Believe it or not, oral hygiene maintenance is equally important as any other instruction. This helps to prevent contamination and bacteria from entering the mouth. They can surpass the muscular fat and may cause any distortion to the treatment. It is better to use mouthwash multiple times a day. The mouthwash contains ingredients that keep the microorganisms at a distance. 

Recovery After Buccal Fat Removal:

Recovery time after fat removal is short and simple. Here is a general timeline of what to expect during the recovery process:

  •  One Week To One Month After Surgery:

Most of the swelling will go down in the first week when the patients see the beginning of the surgery. However, it will take several weeks for the rest of the swelling to subside.

  • What to do next:

A follow-up appointment with a specialist is usually scheduled within the first week to review complex sutures if necessary. Most patients can return to work and resume physical activity within a week, although vigorous exercise and movement should be avoided for two weeks so that it doesn’t get in the way.

  •  One to three months after the surgery:

The last thing that happens:

The final result of buccal liposuction becomes clearer as the swelling disappears completely, usually within three months after surgery. Patients see facial contouring to improve facial appearance. 

  • Ongoing care:

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly can help maintain the condition and improve the appearance of the overall face. 

The Final Verdict:

The best way of How You Can Get Contoured Cheeks With Buccal Fat Removal In Dubai is by choosing the right clinic. The expertise and skills of the surgeon is what makes the treatment worthwhile. Secondly, your commitment to the post-treatment instructions is also key. Get your treatment done today and attain your dream of perfect cheeks successfully.

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